Starting off my semester in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media, I began my MEJO 121 course by creating a TarHeels.live page. Listed below you can access the finished website.

Digital Media-Video
This is a video I filmed and edited for my MEJO 121-Intro to Digital Storytelling class about my younger sister. Kate, is a junior at Watauga High School in Boone, NC. Kate is a wonderful athlete and is being recruited by over 30 schools to play D1 basketball. Kate and I discussed the preparation it takes to be a D1 athlete as well as what are some things she looks for when narrowing down her search from 30 schools to only one! Learn a little bit more about her in the video below.

Below is my custom-coded HTML site built for my MEJO 121 class. I enjoyed learning how to code, picking style choices, and building a website as a whole. Listened below is the site that I built!
Final Video for MEJO 121
For my Intro to Digital Storytelling final video edit, I decided to dive into the life of a very good friend and athlete at UNC. Kai Tamashiro is a student-athlete at Chapel Hill and gives me insight into his soccer career in the interview below!
Hussman School of Journalism and Media
UNC Chapel Hills Hussman School of Journalism and Media has been a wonderful environment and community for me during my time at UNC! I am so thankful for all the opportunities and connections that it has given me thus far.
- MEJO 490- Celebrity and Entertainment Public Relations
- MEJO 371- Advertising Creative
- MEJO 372-Media Buying and Planning
- MEJO 379-Advertising Research
- MEJO 121-Introduction to Digital Storytelling
- MEJO 141-Media Ethics
- MEJO 137-Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations

Other Academic Interests
- Marketing
- Business
- Communication
- Sales